playlist for January 15, 2012
***Will Rogers Intro*** *** *** *** *** 9:00PM
Recue Badhairday (original live cut)     Finland 4:08
Banned Book Theories 1 Holographic Relationship Germany 3:56
Weldroid The new mask 2 Drain Hungary 8:48
Yimino Bat food 4 Qeh 2004 England 9:00
*** *** *** *** *** 9:26PM
Velvet Voyage MacBeth M5N (& friends) 6     Switzerland 8:02
Remotion Echoes from another dimension 4 Between Fiction and Reality Holland 12:47
Ian Boddy Return Vector 5 Strange Attractor England 14:52
*** *** *** *** *** 10:02PM
Pece I can feel spring in my bones 17 Terraform Poland 4:37
Subsky Scope-Strung out (Subsky remix)     Turkey 6:42
Tri Minh Hanoi Love Stories (video version)   (Hanoi Love Stories) Vietnam 6:15
Boy is Fiction My veins are blocked 12 Broadcast in Colour Australia 6:45
*** *** *** *** *** 10:26PM
Zymosis Zymogata 3 Fragments Ukraine 7:36
Ott Adrfit in Hilbert Space 2 Mir England 8:10
Androcell Higher circuit experience 7 Ethneomythic USA 7:31
Chronos & CJ Catalizer Sound of the world 8 Quid est veritas? Russia 6:28
***Outro*** *** *** *** *** 11:00PM