playlist for 12-3pm Tuesday May 22, 2012
*** *** *** *** 12:00PM
Ozric Tentacles Magick Valley The Yumyum Tree England *
Ozric Tentacles Phsychic Chasm Spirals in Hyperspace England *
Ozric Tentacles Eternal Wheel Sunrise Festival England *
Ozric Tentacles Jelly Lips The Floor's Too Far Away England *
*** *** *** *** 12:31PM
Boom Bip feat. Alex Kapanos Goodbye lovers and friends Zig Zaj USA *
Tanlines Brothers Mixed Emotions USA *
Brickman Influence   Russia *
Summer Twins I will love   USA *
Exem Katvelelis Origami Lithuania *
*** *** *** *** 1:00PM
Tones on Tail Twist Night Music England *
AMM3R Laitney Litni Bahrain *
Pigeon John What is love Dating Your Sister USA *
Electrosoul System Falling Falling/Sing EP Russia *
*** *** *** *** 1:28PM
Dum Dum Girls Teardrops on my pillow Only in Dreams USA *
Benny Goodman Be That Way   USA *
John Maus Cop Killer We Must Become Pitless Censors of Ourselves USA *
Caged Animals Girls on medication   USA *
Headfirst Stand   USA *
Jean Luc-Ponty Violin solo/eulogy for Oscar Romero Live Fables Tour France *
*** *** *** *** 1:47PM
White Hills Pads of light Frying on this rock USA *
Terry Malts Tumble Down Killing Time USA *
Young Prisms Floating in blue In Between Russia *
*** *** *** *** 2:00PM
George Sarah Manatee Who Sleep The Sleep Of Peace USA *
George Sarah Anna Who Sleep The Sleep Of Peace USA *
*** *** *** *** 2:14PM
George Sarah Solace Who Sleep The Sleep Of Peace USA *
George Sarah Aida Ossia USA *
*** *** *** *** 2:26PM
Sraunas Jobon Blogas Lithuania *
Dead Can Dance The carnival is over Momento England *
The Negro Problem Submarine down Post Minstral System USA *
Thompost Green Alluvial England *
Yimino Auad Breaker England *
*** *** *** *** 3:00PM
Rosemary's Billygoat Catsup on my cat Rosemary's Billygoat USA *
The Swans Power and Sacrifice White light at the mouth of infinity USA *