playlist for November 20, 2016
*** *** *** *** *** 8:00PM
State Azure Inside a linear system 10 Phantoms England 5:43
Altus Cerulean skies 1 Komorebi Canada 9:26
Eiba Planet number 5 Mission Control Germany 7:17
Norman Fairbanks Quicksands and trucks 2 One American Second 3 USA 5:20
***Intro*** *** *** *** *** 8:26PM
Hataken A song of the light 15 Ambient Compilation Japan 14:38
Gastón Arévalo Geographica II 8 Rollin Ballads Uruguay 7:09
Realm Cosmologer 5 Empyrean Channel Islands 11:09
Kyoto Orbital 2 Scapes and Spheres Russia 7:08
*** *** *** *** *** 9:05PM
Prurient You show great spirit 3 Through The Window USA 10:00
Korridor Binocular observer (Ness remix) 3 Zodiac Sweden 6:31
Feral Heruka 1 1 Heruka Italy 7:02
Paul Mac The block (Scott Robinson remix) 51 Touched Two (The Remixes) England 6:35
*** *** *** *** *** 9:36PM
Brickman Vague 1 Inner Silence Russia 8:00
Sraunus Varpines 3 Novellas Lithuania 9:08
Lars Leonhard Serenity 5 Erstwhile Germany 3:07
Mist:i:cal Secret love featuring Basil Clarke 10 The Eleventh Hour England/North Ireland 4:54
***Outro*** *** *** *** *** 10:00PM